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Beyond Dentistry Offers a New Teeth Whitening Solution

Embarrassed by your smile and the color of your teeth? Are you tired of having to use expensive strips to whiten your teeth? Does it take too long for you to get the results you desire? Do your teeth feel more sensitive after you finish whitening them? If you answered “yes” to any of those questions, suffer no longer! Beyond Dentistry Laser Center in Brooklyn is here is help make your teeth look their best without the hassle of traditional teeth whitening methods. Our highly-trained staff uses GLO Science Professional Teeth Whitening System to make you want to smile longer and be proud of your teeth. We found that GLO is the most effective and pain-free method to get the teeth you desire today.

GLO Science Professional Teeth Whitening System was designed to help you achieve a whiter smile quicker and without the added sensitivity and pain of traditional solutions. Utilizing both heat and light to accelerate the effects of the whitening gel, you can obtain the whitest smile possible in no time. You can receive any of these treatments at our Brooklyn, NY office, or we can set you up for DIY treatments in the comfort of your own home.

Teeth Whitening Treatment in Brooklyn, NY

How Does GLO Professional Teeth Whitening Work?

You may be wondering how this impressive new system works and why it goes above and beyond traditional methods used by professional dentists in the past. Well, GLO was invented with you and your teeth in mind. To start, the treatments come in three different strengths based on your sensitivity from previous teeth whitening treatments. The different strengths obtained their categorization based on the amount of hydrogen peroxide used in the gel you apply before using the LED mouthguard. We can either apply the gel at a 24% or 30% strength, and we decide which is appropriate based on your sensitivity level, age, starting shade, and desired shade. If you choose to use the at-home kit, we include a gel at 10% HP.

Benefits for Laser Teeth Whitening

Old teeth whitening methods included using sticky strips, foul tasting ointments, or utilizing baking soda and lemons, which take much longer to achieve your desired color. Today, the professional team at Beyond Dentistry Laser Center in Brooklyn, NY has put their trust in the powerful methods of GLO Professional Teeth Whitening Systems. These old-fashioned methods can leave you with a revolting taste in your mouth and a prolonged time with stained teeth. The other downside is they may fail to whiten your teeth all together, leaving you with yellow teeth, bad breath, and wasted time. With GLO, you’ll see results before you even leave the office! Below are some of the other benefits GLO offers patients attempting to brighten their smile and achieve whiter, healthier teeth.

  • Speed: GLO Professional Whitening Systems works quickly to help get you the smile you deserve. Teeth naturally yellow on their own over time, and things like coffee, tobacco, and red wine can cause stains if consumed too frequently without proper brushing. GLO only takes four sessions, each being eight minutes long at home or one treatment in the office to begin working. We will suggest the number of treatments required to obtain the smile you desire, but each session will get you that much closer to a noticeably different smile.
  • No sensitivity: Old teeth whitening treatments were known to make your teeth more sensitive due to utilizing powerful bleaching techniques that strip enamel. GLO’s whitening gel is alcohol and carbamide peroxide free to prevent any sensitivity after using. Your teeth will keep their enamel and continue to be protected throughout the whitening process.
  • Self-esteem: You may not think that your dentist can help your self-esteem, but walking out of our office with a brighter, whiter smile will have you naturally grinning more in public. Smiles are contagious, and with your new pearly whites, you won’t be afraid to show them off whether you’re around strangers or with your family.

Contact Beyond Dentistry to Schedule an Appointment Today!

The staff at Beyond Dentistry Laser Center can’t wait to hear from you about scheduling a consultation to discuss the GLO Professional Teeth Whitening System. Simply reach out to us over the phone or fill out our form online to schedule an appointment. You can also stop to see our fantastic office and arrange a visit through one of our friendly receptionists.

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